Open call for open mic and new teas

carnival-998092_640We’re looking for poets, writers, musicians, jugglers, whatever, for our open mic nights. Okay, maybe not whatever. The shop is small, so fire breathers and lion tamers will need to take that elsewhere.  First and third Thursdays of the month. Come by the shop and see me, Jo, if you’d like to sign up for a slot. We don’t provide a PA system, so if you want to blow the remaining paint off the walls, you’ll have to bring your own kit.


dim-sum-163813_640On a completely different note, we have a line of new green teas at the shop. Lots of people requested them and I even ordered some Japanese cast-iron cups to serve them in. My favorite so far is a sencha with toasted rice. We’re running some dim sum specials with the full “afternoon” tea served before 8 p.m (or until we run out).